Sunday, January 25, 2009

so tired

I am so tired. I just finished baking after a very hot day today in Sydney (41c). Its 1:30 am, but I just HAD to do a 5 minute Pastel "emotional check in". It seems by the result here that I am a little more passionate than the other day. I am using more vibrant colours and stronger lines. Hmmmm I wonder if this is true? I have no idea, because I am too tired...


Kate Moore said...

Whoa, wasn't the heat unbelievable?
We abandoned any idea of having a barbecue. We don't have aircon at home - fans yes and it's usually enough. It was so uncomfortable and we had families with small children coming so we called people and said the heat is insane and we'll do it another day. As it turned out, today would have been a good day for a barbecue but we'd stuffed about too much already. Ta so much for the recipe. I am going to try that. We actually cooked up a recipe a friend gave me for dinner tonight. Was a hit with even the fussiest family member.

Kate Moore said...

Whoa, wasn't the heat unbelievable?
We abandoned any idea of having a barbecue. We don't have aircon at home - fans yes and it's usually enough. It was so uncomfortable and we had families with small children coming so we called people and said the heat is insane and we'll do it another day. As it turned out, today would have been a good day for a barbecue but we'd stuffed about too much already. Ta so much for the recipe. I am going to try that. We actually cooked up a recipe a friend gave me for dinner tonight. Was a hit with even the fussiest family member.

melanie said...

Awesome Anna, really truely, awesome work!
I love te colours and the lines ad the flow,
very emotive.