Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Cactus Monday!

Another of my cactus's is flowering! Its a bloody miracle. I have had most of these cactus's in pots for over 15 years, and only one had ever flowered (and this was during the time my mum was looking after them for a few years when I abandonded them and moved to the inner city to do the cool inner city thing...which, by the way did NOT involve looking after ANYTHING). Now I have come back to my senses (and gotten a lot older) I have been diligently neglecting my cactuses again, on the front balcony. Lucky for me, they enjoy being ignored, and are rewarding me nicely with some pretty blooming lovely blooms. The lame pastel is me playing with a "new" technique I just discovered using pastel with water. I realize I need not appy so much pastel, but i did not have time to do another. I intend to try again tomorrow. Baby is teething and very unhappy and needy at the moment tho....


Teri said...

Oh for goodness sakes, I didn't even realize you had a blog since i have only seen you on Flickr.

You have the right idea, cacti love being ignored and then they reward you for your uncare lol.

I like your pastel cacti.


Margaret Ann said...

Beautiful delicate pink little ballerinas! :) HCM!

Unknown said...

yes Teri, I just realized that I can link my flickr to my blog. I ALSO just realized that there are lots of Cactus Monday Participants that dont use Flickr, but do post to their blog! So now I have lots more cactus pics to look at every monday! (i will never get my novel read!)

Lisa Rivas said...

Yup! I was checking on you, the most amazing blooming cacti hang out over there with you :-)
Just amazing :) Are those waterpastels?
They sure do have intense colors... like your combination of colors and achieved depth.... HCM!

Unknown said...

Yes Flying Colours...I think they are "pure pigment". the pastels are chalky, and go gluggy when mixed with water. very fun to use!