Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our digging day

Little messyfish likes to dig by the river in the wet sand. Maxy the dog likes to kill sticks and logs.

It was a sunny day today. We had to walk all the way from our house (see there in the picture behind the trees). It's a tough life....

Lucky he didn't get his homemade duck pants too dirty....

After his sleep we walked to "wombat hole hill". 5 minutes in the other direction. There was a pile of stones to be dug in.

Then there was the red dirt on the driveway to make castles with...(there is our house again from the other side).
I was thinking of making him a sandpit and buying in some sand. Hmmmmm... Prob not necessary!?


Julie said...

Hehehe...probably not! Just keep a few pair of pants for "digging pants"...then you won't care if they are stained up or holey!!! He is such ahandsome young man now! Growing up so fast!

Unknown said...

oh so much fun!!! what a great day!!!

angelina said...

ha ha i grew up in the country and it is true, you really dont need to buy some of the things the town kids have...like sandpits or climbing rock gym things. there just 'out there' , arent they.
ps. congrats on your candles coming..how exciting for you! i have not completed my lavender polish post as of yet..are you wanting to make some as well?

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Who needs a sand pit when you have the great out of doors to play in? It would just end up as the cat's litter box and you won't want him in that.

Umatji said...

looks like no for that!

PAK ART said...

I agree - a sandbox doesn't seem necessary at all. Nor do you need a playground since he already has a most beautiful one.